I would love to take a fitness class!
There are three classes being offered at my son's dance studio -- it would be so fun to do something with other adults (besides work).
Everyone else in the family has their sports and activities and while I have things I do, like walk the dogs and write, I don't do anything on a team or with other people (unless they're the other parents playing a supporting role to their kids at practices or games).
It would be great to be able to get back to yoga -- I've run into or met a couple of people in recent months that have reminded me of this. Realistically, though, with the times local classes are offered, it would be a challenge for me to take time out of work since it would be at least 2.5 hours round trip during the busy time of my mornings (and given I have to take time out mid-afternoon to pick up my oldest from school and either bring him home or to golf practice/home matches) (and the time I take to walk the dogs, prep food, and shower, since sometimes I sit down at my computer right away after ushering everyone out the door -- one of the perils of working at home), and weekends are unpredictable given my kids' chauffeuring needs. I've had a hard time in the past being able to use a 10-class pass in six months.
Heck, I'd just like to get out and do something! Every time one of the adult education brochures lands in my mailbox, I think about all the opportunities -- cake decorating (I don't have to eat it!), pottery (I would love to be able to do something artistic again), playing piano by ear (I miss doing music), and then I remember why I can't just take a night off on a regular basis to leave the house and commit to a class. I remember when my oldest was a baby and I wanted to take a drawing class and what a challenge it was to get anyone to commit to watching him for a few hours once a week. I did take the class but was unable to attend all of the sessions. It was disappointing to say the least.
But these fitness classes...I don't have to commit: there's a drop in policy. Even though I'm interested in all of them, the one that I could possibly do, is on the same night as my son's hip hop class. So he'd have to sit around for an hour during my class. Is that any different than me waiting for him for an hour?
I imagine I could take the class at least every other week, if I don't have to pick up my oldest from a golf match or host a call with my colleagues in Australia and New Zealand. Or maybe...I could even reschedule the meeting.
Or perhaps I should just stay grounded in my dog-walking, YouTube video fitness program for another year until my oldest gets his license.
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