One thing I learned is that Instagram is full of hashtag spam and people blatantly trying to sell things. I just unfollowed an account today for "SkinnyMe" tea because I do not think weight loss with laxatives (which is basically what the herb senna is, and it's the main ingredient in this tea) is cool. I have a box of senna tea in the back of one of the kitchen cabinets, and refer to it as poop tea (used for occasional irregularity, not as a lifestyle choice).
I made this smoothie with no doubt more vegetables and fruits than ever before! It contains kiwi, banana, celery, yam, and parsley that were fresh (the yam was parcooked, even though I got scolded for that by a "green smoothie connoisseur: she told me it doesn't count as a green smoothie if you use cooked ingredients. I thought to myself, BFD, as I unliked her Facebook page) and then I added two freezer mixes, one of fruits (strawberry, pineapple, mango) and one of vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots). On top of that I put my supplements: pea protein from Vitacost, and Super Seed and greens from Garden of Life.
I have heard that you should actually use fresh greens, and not the powdered kind (but then the people who advocated for the powdered kind say you'll never be able to eat enough actual greens to get the nutrients in the powder).
I discovered another reason to go with the powdered greens, and that is the fact that they do not get slimy in the bag after three days. Gross! The triple washed greens I bought at Trader Joe's on Saturday has parts that already turned slimy (and clingy), which requires picking them off and then washing the remaining leaves, which is not the end of the world, but is certainly unappealing and with the powdered greens, I don't have to consider that for a moment.
This smoothie turned out delicious and wasn't even all that green looking (meaning I can drink it in front of other people and they're not going to be like, "Ewwww, gross!"
I see that this is your smoothie! Looks awesome!