Thursday, April 24, 2014

Does anybody really care...about grammar?

Today I was on a call about "Social." Social what? Where's the noun? Every time the presenters talked about social without adding a word like "computing" or "business" or "solution," I cringed.

I also have a hard time with it when people don't know when to use me, myself, and I. "Send a note to myself or so-and-so" or "Check out this picture of so-and-so and I."

Don't get me started on "lay" and "lie" or "your" and "you're."

Is grammar becoming a lost art? It saddens me to think so. I know people whose first language isn't English who have better grammar than native English speakers.

I won't correct you (unless you're my kid or you're paying me to edit your work). I don't exactly know the correct grammatical terms for parts of speech (for example, what is a gerund?), but I usually know when something sounds wrong. I have to look things up to get them right sometimes. I love the Chicago Manual of Style online an I do that because *I* care about grammar!

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