Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Off to a rough start


I forgot about my 8:00 a.m. conference call and was late. I had sat down at my desk at 7:45 and begun working (my entire screen was filled with new mail) and all of a sudden before I knew it the Bigs were telling me it was time to go to school (though to their credit, it was early. I was glad I didn't have to fight that battle with them as I had with my youngest, whose dad takes him to school, and who I delivered shoe-less because he didn't want to put them on, apparently less embarrassing than going pants-less, which was the only reason he had pants on.)

I said, "Well, did you get your backpacks out of the closet?"


"Did you brush?"

"Not yet, but we will."

"Okay, I'll be down in a few minutes."

When I descended the stairs my oldest was still brushing, "Are you buying lunch today?" I would have been surprised because it was baked mac and cheese and broccoli florets.

My middle son said, "I packed my own lunch" and walked out the door.

My oldest took his toothbrush out of his mouth, "I just need a sandwich."

Wow, I thought to myself. I pulled the bag out of the trash can and handed it to my oldest as he walked out of the bathroom. Thank you, God.

"I'll be right out." I rinsed out my coffee cup so it would be ready for the second cup when I returned from walking the boys to school.

When I got outside they were doing a King of the Mountain song and dance on a snow mound, which I am sure amused the commuters who pause near our house depending on how backed up traffic is because there's a stop sign at the end of our street.

My middle son asked me when it would be time to stop wearing coats to school. I told him I figured when it was warm enough out that he didn't need one."But when, mom?" I guessed it would be about a month and realized my gloves were locked in the car and I'd left my car keys in the house. And that reminded me, I had a headlight out. I'd driven home from yoga class the night before with a pididdle. I'd need to get that taken care of before dark.

I checked in with work and then took my car over to the mechanic. When I walked back, I remembered I had laundry in the dryer from the night before. It was then that I realized I forgot to send the nap stuff with my youngest to school.

I called the school and they said they had extra blankets, no problem.

Good, it wasn't like I could get there any time soon anyway. I hunkered down to work.

At some time later in the day I realized I forgot to put notes in my kids' lunch boxes.

I almost forgot my chiropractor's appointment; I had been on a conference call that went onandonandon. Quick appointment and back to my desk to undo everything the doctor just did. Or should I say redo everything he undid.

We had a working dinner and then boy scouts. Quick trip to the supermarket after that. Now everyone's in bed and I need to update a presentation for tomorrow a.m.


My middle son's socks are still on the floor next to his bed, though he put the rest of his clothes in the hamper.

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