My oldest beat me in chess last night. Yes, he talked me into playing with him at his brother's den meeting. He told me about "en passant" -- whatever that is -- as he executed the move, and also didn't fully disclose the rule about getting your piece back when a pawn reaches the other side. The other mom that we usually play cribbage with isn't so thrilled with chess either and we thought maybe we could teach my son backgammon next time.
My youngest beat me in bowling! He is three. We went bowling with a bunch of people from church and with the bumpers he scored a 73. With the bumpers, I scored -- I don't know -- but far less, as did many of the other adults. There he is with Flat Stanley, who was visiting with us that weekend.
I am certain my middle would beat me in anything that has to do with baseball or soccer. He has become very good at both -- as has my oldest -- and they are both playing both sports this spring. What am I going to do in the fall when my youngest is old enough for soccer? God help me, I hope the older two are going to be on the same team. They are every other year or so, but currently are not. Tonight we had three practices. My middle had to choose between soccer and baseball. This past week, as the season is underway, I've wondered "what have I done" regarding signing them up for both. My mom said, "go ahead and sign them up for soccer in the spring, too, I'll be around to help." And then barely a month later she passed away unexpectedly. Sometimes I forget she is gone. She seems so close. But my schedule is hectic.
Work is unusually busy as I am working on two special projects in addition to being six weeks into my newly expanded role (because of layoffs -- other people's, so my constant mantra is "I am grateful I have a job, thank God I have a job, at least I have a job!"). I assume this is an adjustment period and it will level off. It has to because I cannot continue at this crazy pace. (Again backed up in my personal writing with four venues I want to submit to, in the immediate future, never mind this blog).
I never did write about the things I was so proud of about my older two (related to post below). I can't remember my oldest's offhand, though right now I just asked him to help his youngest brother because I needed a break, and he actually did. The thing about my middle son is that one time we were shopping together and he brought his own money, and wanted to get some candy. He chose identical things for his older brother and similar things for his younger. When we got home, he realized one of the things he bought was defective (some sort of licking and dipping thing, or liquid candy poured on solid candy -- something with multiple pieces-parts, anyway). He never even considered that the messed up one be his brother's; he saved the perfect one for him.
Tonight would have been Pasta Night, but we put that on hold for a couple of months while we have sports or scouts (or sometimes both) every night of the week. I am feeling like my social life is waning, and considering joining a gym. Seems kind of wacky since it is now time to be out on the bike path again, but perhaps a good way to offset all the Easter candy that I have been consuming and other stress eating I've been doing.
Blah blah blaaaaaahg. I really need to write more than once a month!
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