Uhmmm, never mind the singing and dancing, I’ve just been eating the cake. And cookies and chocolate. That’s stress eating, people.
And I’m not actually having a life-threatening emergency, like the true sense of the word "mayday" (from the French “m’aidez,” which means “help me”), but when May rolls around…crazy times!
First of all, it’s baseball season, This normally gets underway in April, but given the typical spring rain and nasty weather, everything rolls into May. That’s a whirlwind in itself. I am only managing one kid's schedule now because the other two are a) no longer playing baseball and b) if they were, they can drive themselves.
This year we have the added excitement of two proms, AP exams, high school graduation, college, and “are you going to get enough hours at your job over the summer?” (x2).
Here are the entries on our family calendar on the fridge.* Can any other moms relate to the crazy in the merry month of May?
Two dogs to vet
Baseball game
Baseball practice
Baseball game
Roller derby practice
Baseball game
Baseball practice
Baseball game
Church fair
Roller derby practice
Baseball practice
Baseball game
Third dog to vet
Baseball game
Baseball game
Roller derby practice
AP Exams
Baseball practice
Baseball game (to be rescheduled)(a rare night off that I'll pay for later)
College enrollment forms, e.g., course selection, etc. due
Prom #1 (a week out and tux hasn't been rented...could be a story in itself)
Roller derby practice
Baseball practice
Baseball game
Baseball game
Baseball practice
Baseball game
Roller derby practice
Hair appointment
Baseball game
Baseball game
Prom #2
Volunteer day with roller derby
Roller derby practice
Baseball practice
Baseball game
Baseball game
Academic Awards Night
Roller derby practice
Baseball game
Baseball game
Baseball practice
Roller derby practice
Volunteer for school activity
Baseball practice
Baseball game
Senior trip
Baseball practice
Senior send off
Baseball game
Roller derby practice/scrimmage
Graduation rehearsal
Baseball game
College financial aid decision due
I’m taking it day by day.
I don’t even have a pithy way to end this story.
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