All of the kids were in the same room together, laughing and taking turns. Besides bowling with Jesus, they were playing frisbee with Jesus and boxing with Jesus (though I do wonder if Jesus would really knock anyone out).
Nobody was secluded with headphones on, back turned to the rest of the family, shades drawn, or door closed.
Nobody was shouting, swearing, banging, or complaining about our "lame internet service" or "crappy router."
Nobody was trying to convince me that "It's not a problem!"
Bowling with Jesus -- what a nice break!
In case you are wondering, yes, we do have a problem with the Xbox in our house.
"It's not going to be a problem, they insisted when they pressed to have the Xbox come to our house, since they only got to play it every other weekend at Dad's. "Everyone else plays it," they insisted. I had managed to resist any shooting video games in our house until they were 14 and 16.
I do not like violent video games and I have a problem with the Xbox use.
We had a "come to Jesus" meeting about Xbox use last weekend and things are better. The consequence of things not getting better is that the Xbox goes back to Dad's house, where he can deal with the problem. It would likely be a huge sacrifice because they're not making that trip so much anymore (he lives out of state, which is why I acquiesced and let the Xbox come to our house in the first place).
Currently, their headset is broken and something is wrong with the controller, and no, "I haven't found a chance to order anything new on Amazon yet." (I won't be paying for that, I assure you. It will be reimbursed from their bank accounts.)
Bowling with Jesus is a better choice. Everything is better with Jesus.
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