My husband and I went on a double date with my son and his soon-to-be girlfriend (it was their first date). I didn't think about the magnitude of that until a day or so afterwards, i.e., who actually wants to go on their first date with parents?

My son had stayed home from his dad's that weekend because he didn't want to miss baseball practice. It was Saturday and he was just hanging around and my husband and I had been talking about going to a minor league ball game so I told my son, "Why don't you see if So-and-so wants to go to the game with us." I did not ask him if he wanted to, I kind of told him, assumptively.
"Oh, I don't know, I think she's in Boston with her sister..."
"Ask her when she'll be home and let us know so we can get the tickets."
Then I left to walk the dog.
When I got back, my husband and son were reviewing the stadium seating chart. I guessed she said yes. I let them figure out the rest of it. My husband informed me what time we had to leave and I went about my business.
Some time later, my son approached me and told me, "Mom, please don't do or say anything weird."