Sunday, October 18, 2015

My "green" day

Yesterday I managed to succeed in going green on all my fitbit goals. I love when that happens and it doesn't occur every day. I might get the steps, but not the miles or calories (not sure how, but it happens). I might not have been so active if one of our dogs hadn't tangled with a skunk, which required a good deal more chasing him around, cleaning up his barf,

Sunday, October 4, 2015

On the bandwagon: a new use for "popsicles"


Here's one of my husband's smoothies from a couple of weeks ago. He has started having a smoothie a day, too! The other day, he said, "I'm going to have washboard abs by next baseball season." And he probably will.

My brown dog, part one

Here's a story from when I first adopted my pibble, in 2012. I am still working on part two, about how I had to make the decision to hel...