Monday, March 15, 2010

What to do on a rainy day/weekend

Church, bowling/shopping (I bought a new raincoat), lunch at the bowling alley "diner" and then home for a movie/nap, which is why I am up late now.

I think tomorrow morning might hit like a ton of bricks (my kids were up too late, too).

We ventured out in the rain to our school play last night with some friends. It was an amazing production -- the sets, the music, the choreography, and the acting...who would believe these kids are in 3rd and 4th grade?

My boys like seeing their friends on stage, and one of my Bigs told me he wants to try out next year, but can't be a "girl play." It will be fine with me as long as he isn't too busy with other activities. With scouts, sports, and maybe band, can he (we) cram one more thing in? (You can have it all, just not all at once!). He was the one working the room before the play started: I can imagine him as a politician when he grows up, but he thinks he wants to be a professional athlete.

At "halftime" we wove our way through the masses to get refreshments. It reminded me of a frat party in a way, except there were no kegs and people actually said "excuse me." The line for the bathroom was only three deep, too.

I have a column due (technically tomorrow, but I will feel good if I deliver it any time before my editor has to ask for it!) and obviously am not writing it. I wonder if daily blogging is actually a good warm up for writing publishable pieces or if it diverts energy that would be better directed elsewhere, i.e., said publishable pieces. Maybe I'll finish "The 15-minute rule." Though yesterday I witnessed my son pick up a Tic Tac off the floor and the time between his realization that it was actually something edible and inserting it into his mouth was too short for me to stop him, so maybe I will retitle it "The 15-day rule." Gross. But at least it was in our own house...

Thinking about the column is progress anyway.

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