Friday, December 29, 2023

But no one will see it

I set up the nativity in the back yard again this year. In the past it has been out front near the fire hydrant that is on our property, and possibly near the turnaround – I don’t exactly recall. (This year I decorated the turnaround with the large, outdoor ornaments instead of putting them on the trees out by the street – and fire hydrant – because one of my boys parks there.)

Back to the nativity: I was informed, “But no one can see it out there.”

I thought for a moment, and pondered…

…No one can see it when they are up at 6 a.m. making the morning pot of coffee?

…No one can see it when they’re putting away groceries or food prepping?

…No one can see it when they are standing at the sink doing all the dishes?

…No one can see it when they’re doling out the dogs’ medicine or letting them out the back door and watching for them to come straight back in after they’ve pottied?

I replied, “I can see it when I am standing at the kitchen window.”

I guess I am “no one”?

But I am not.

I am someone.

I am the someone who makes the coffee, buys the food, puts it away, prepares it, serves it, and cleans it up for the people in the house as well as the pets.

“I spend a lot of time in the kitchen, at the sink,” I continued and thus concluded the conversation.

Similarly, it doesn’t matter to me if the only person who appreciates the turnaround décor is my youngest son. He is also someone.

My brown dog, the end.

 (If you want to read the beginning first, it’s here .) I woke up in dread on the day my dog, Niles, crossed the rainbow bridge. I had gone ...