That night was my middle son's baseball evaluation; his older brother's had been a couple of nights prior.
The custodian said to me, "You know, So-and-so is downstairs tonight, giving a talk."
I replied, "Oh, yeah, I read about that."
"You're welcome to go down, she's in the theater right downstairs."
"Oh, thanks, but I can't. I want to watch my son bat, even though 'An Evening with So-and-so' was touted as 'a highlight of Women's History Month featuring So-and-so, host of her own series on the Travel Channel. As a strong woman of today, she will discuss her career, her travels and the strong women who have inspired her in her success.'"
I actually had to watch my son bat, just as I'd had to watch the fielding and pitching drills. He kept looking up to make sure I was watching him, whenever he was waiting his turn at each of the stations.
When the evaluations were over, we reconvened on the stairway landing: he'd headed up at the same time I'd headed down.
"How did you do, honey?"
"Okay. I missed the first two pitches."
"Yeah, I saw. But if you were in a baseball game, I bet would have got on base -- you hit the third pretty well."
"Pitching was when I was in really in my baseball zone. I felt like everyone around me was Jacoby Ellsbury and Josh Beckett."
"Yeah, I saw that, too. Well, good -- I'm so happy it's baseball season!"
"Me, too, Mom."
We walked down the stairs together and I wondered how I was going to juggle three baseball teams (majors, minors, and tee-ball). I had hoped that my older two could be on the same team, but that would mean my middle son would have to play up ("if appropriate," I had added to his registration form), because I wouldn't want to hold my older son back. I had also requested that we have one or both of the same coaches as last year ("as appropriate"). I snapped out of my reverie as I realized my son had taken off to run up and down the hallways with his younger brother and some other kids, leaving me holding his bat and glove. My oldest had remained in one place with his iPod Touch since we'd arrived.
I bumped into the custodian again who said, "Are you sure? You can just sit in the back of the auditorium -- the theater is right over here." He walked alongside me and indicated the door to the theater as well as the table with the promotional flyers about So-and-so, host of her own series on the Travel Channel.
"Maybe another time -- I've got to get my kids out of here." I would have liked to hear a strong woman of today discussing her career, her travels, and the people who have inspired her success. I was sure I could relate: I have a career and I travel, but the people who inspire my success needed to get home for dinner.
On the way home, we decided that however the teams work out, we'd accept it. We're all just so happy it's finally baseball season!
Published 7/15/11 in the Groton Landmark